Heeeeyyyy! It's been a while. If you started with me back when I started the Debutante Blog, before there was a shop, you know I've been around a very, very, very long time. Back in 2005, yes prehistoric, I started on a platform called Movable Type. We were "early adopters". Then I got "with it" and moved on to Worpress.
As my business grew, along with my vision, I blogged less and less. I think my last post was Christmas! 2015! Gulp.
I still think blogs are very important. I still love to write. But an entrepreneur can only do so much.
So I am getting back to what I love to do - and that's talk vintage and business and fashion and creativity. My posts may be short. They may be sporadic. But I'll be here. A little more mature, a little more business savvy but I'll be here. Thanks for not ditching me!